[Course news] Week 11 updates

I hope you all had a wonderful spring break. Here are some general updates.

Week 10 Grade Reports and peer review
Your week 10 grade reports are now available in your Google Drive folders. Please let me know if you have any questions about them. I saw much improvement in the quality of your peer review documents; there was a lot of excellent advice and helpful feedback. I am looking forward to seeing the final videos that you all produce.

Remix projects
Your remix videos are due before midnight on Friday. Because there are no other assignments due this week, I will delay posting your week 11 grade reports until I have finished grading this assignment.

Please consult the week 11 detailed schedule for information about posting the project to the portfolio page of your personal website.

If you have any last-minute questions about the assignment, please let me know. I will hold my regularly scheduled office hours this week and I will be available for other meetings if you are not free during that time.

Looking forward
Next week we will begin our final project, a collaboratively-produced website devoted to a compelling issue or cause. This group project will require you to bring together the various skills you have practiced during on your other assignments—creating a WordPress site, identifying (and practicing) rhetorically effective multimodal communication, video production—in a larger assignment that will allow you to also practice effective group work.

Your groups for this project will roughly reflect your hangout groups from Week 10. I will send an email to all of you at the beginning of week 12 identifying your group members and providing more details about the collaborative aspects of the assignment. Please begin reviewing the assignment description and the schedule for weeks 12-15 and let me know if you have any questions about the assignment or the group work process I have outlined.

In general, I think you all are doing excellent work in the class. We have entered a busy point of the semester as more and more work is coming due in your classes. Keep your focus and continue to work hard in the course so that you all can finish just as strongly as you have started.

As always, let me know if you have any questions for me.

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