Week 4 detailed schedule

This week you will make initial contact with the other members of your peer review group for the analysis project and we will schedule a time for our hangout in Week 5. In addition to discussing the reading from Net Smart, you will also complete a short rhetorical analysis assignment from Writer/Designer. This analysis will give you practice that will help prepare you for the longer analysis assignment in this unit, and we will discuss the results of the assignment during our hangout next week.

Before 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, 2/3

  • Respond to the discussion prompt on the “Week 4” topic on the Weekly Discussion forum.

Before 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, 2/5

  • Respond to one of your classmates’ posts on the forum.
  • Complete the assignment on p. 39 of Writer/Designer and post it to your “Quiz” folder on Google Drive with the title YourLastName-Week4-AnalysisAssignment.
    • Your analysis should be no less than 300 words
    • You must embed in the document images of the texts you are analyzing or include a link or links to them.
    • We will discuss this assignment during our hangouts as a way of preparing for the multimodal analysis.
  • I will email you and the other members of your peer response group to introduce you to each other and provide possible times for our hangout in Week 5 based on your responses to the Doodle poll. Respond to this email with your availability before midnight on Thursday so we can schedule the conversation.

Read the description of the analysis project and begin thinking about the multimodal text(s) you wish to analyze for this project.

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