Tasks to complete before the second class meeting

The following is a list of tasks and assignments that you must complete before our second class meeting on Tuesday, 8/28.

  • Register for an account on this site so you can post your weekly reading responses. I have to approve your account, so
    1. Be sure that I can tell that you are you and not some spambot; the easiest way to do this is to include your name in your username or registration. If you don’t want to do that—say, because you are partial to a particular username that you have had since your AOL days, but that username isn’t easily recognizable as you—simply register for the site, then send me an email to the effect of, “I registered as ZaphodBeeblebrox.”
    2. Register early enough so that I will have time to approve your account before your first reading response is due on Sunday night, 8/26. Although I sometimes check my email on the weekends, I don’t do this all the time, so your best bet is to get your registration completed before the end of the workday on Friday.
  • Create a Twitter account and
    1. make it public (caveat: if you already have a private or public Twitter account that you want to keep private or simply keep separate from the course, create a new account for course tweets then delete it after the term has ended),
    2. post a message containing the course hashtag, #ENGL605,
    3. follow myself and all other members of the course. The easiest way to do this is to wait until after our second class meeting on 8/28, when everyone has posted a message with the course hashtag, then follow everyone who has posted.
    4. You should then regularly monitor the messages using the course hashtag. In class we will discuss using Twitter in your teaching and ongoing professionalization.
  • Create a Google Docs account and
    1. create a collection (what GDocs calls folders; I am likely to frequently refer to these collections as “folders”) for your course work,
    2. title the collection using the format ENGL605-F12-[Lastname] (for example, a student named Zaphod Beeblebrox would have folder titled ENGL605-F12-Beeblebrox), and
    3. share that collection (not individual documents, the entire collection) with jmj5805 [at] gmail [dot] com.
    4. When you share the folder with me, be should give me permission to edit documents in the folder. Otherwise I won’t be able to comment on your work.
  • Before midnight on 8/26, post your reading response to the course blog.

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