Tasks to complete during the first two weeks of class

The following is a list of tasks and assignments that you must complete during the first two weeks of class:

Before Tuesday, January 14

  • Purchase the course texts and complete the assigned readings
  • Create a Twitter account that contains your real name somewhere in the username or profile and
    • make it public,
    • post a message containing the course hashtag #PWE305, and
    • follow myself and all other members of the course.
    • You will then regularly monitor the messages using the course hashtag.

Before Thursday, January 16

  • Create a Google Drive account and
    • create a folder (I will often refer to these folders as your course folders) for your 305 course work,
    • title the folder using the format ENGL305-SP14-Lastname (for example, a student named Zaphod Beeblebrox would have folder titled ENGL305-SP14-Beeblebrox), and
    • share that folder (not individual documents, the entire folder) with jmj5805 [at] gmail [dot] com. Information about sharing can be found here. The folder’s “visibility settings” should be set to “private,” and, when you share it with me, my “access level” should be “editor.”
    • Once you have successfully created the folder and shared it with me, you can turn in documents by
      1. uploading them to Google Drive then
      2. adding them to your course folder.
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