I think the Southwest Airlines commercials on t.v. with the slogan “wanna get away” is very ironic because the internet and all its information and surveillance is keeping us from getting away from anything or anyone. As a college student on the weekend I like to hang out with my friends. Most of the time to find out what everyone is doing I will check my twitter or use my app for my Iphone Heytell. Heytell is used almost as a walkie talkie that displays to both users the location of the speaker. By using these two apps I always find out what my are doing and where they are. Even though this is benefiting me I found this very creepy. At anytime people can read my wall post send me a message or face time me and know exactly where I am and what i am doing. We live in an open world where there is a very select few that can’t be found. Google maps and other map video websites not only can show you a 360 degree view of almost anywhere in the world it can also give you live surveillance of select places. Many hotels now have these live views of the pool area and lobby. One can even look at a live view of cruise ships while out at sea. Everyone is always being watched by millions of people. Which raises the question how much privacy is left for everyone? Not only are websites and apps showing ones location but there are many items that display location also. GPS, tracking devise, mobile phones, car tracker, car key trackers ect. I found some very interesting tracking devices for just the price of an apple Iphone (tracker). This device is very similar to the one that is described in Morville, Ambient Findability (2005) excerpt on page 72. Morville later on page 73 in his excerpt explains the different location sensing techniques used which include: Triangulation, Proximity, and Scene Analysis.
I have a very unusual name but i thought i would try and see if someone had my exact same name first and last. I put my name into google search engine and came across this twitter profile and this facebook account. These are two different people with my exact name and what is scary is I know where they live, work, and there birthdate. We as humans in a social media world have no privacy because we decided to give everyone the means to figure out where we are every day.
Many of these tracking devices are used for good such as a key tracker if you loose you keys you know where to find them. A child tracker is used in the case that a child is lost they can be found soon. Surveillance Cameras are used to protect and bring the feeling of security even though it can be very pricey when it comes to street and ticket surveillance cameras. A facebook or twitter is used as a social media to connect with old and new friends. With all these benefits we in a way give up our privacy.
Overall, Most people can be found and easily watched which has its benefits and some major downfalls. If we are in trouble we can always be found. If we need to find something it can always be found. Unfortunately if we “wanna get away” the world will find us if we like it or not.
I just thought this video is really cool. I found that it can give you a benefit of security for a new iphone. Big Brother