The movie “remix” brought to my attention the aspect of copyright that I really never thought about: do DJ’s and their remixes violate copyright laws? They are taking someone else’s music and mashing it together with someone else’s music and playing it for a large audience. THe copyright law at the beginning of every movie states (i am paraphasing here) “no copying with the intent to distribute or be seen from a large audience.” But is that not exactly what DJ’s are doing? They are mixing someone else’s music to be heard by a larger audience. I bet they do not go and seek permission from every artist whose music they do this too. I have to wonder how is that okay to do but illegally downloading music not okay? Maybe because if people hear certain music in a club setting they remember it and then go and buy it. I admit, I have done that before. Maybe in that setting DJ’s and their mixes increase revenue for the music business. In a broader sense the guy who created the movie said “copy right protects the creater and the audience” but also said copy right laws have gotten way out of hand now a days. I have to agree. It would not be far to steal someone else’s music without paying for it. But to go to federal prison for up to five years and pay a $250,000 dollar fine seems a bit extreme to me. There has to be a happy medium where the two and coexist. While writing I thought, “maybe dj mixes are that happy medium” because the DJ’s probably do not go and seek permission from every artist whose music they mix, and the audience gets to listen to it. But in return, they might buy the music they here at the club which increases revenue for the artist.