Infinite Uses of Finite Information

The Internet is as vastly unpredictable as the individuals that search it. Borges explains in The Library of Babel that the Library is unlimited and cyclical.Borges speaks of the fallibility of placing all knowledge within reach creates a seemingly mapless collection of information.”Man, the imperfect librarian” has created a preference-oriented arrangement that translates only to a system of unintelligible babel.

(Click here to see a representation of the Internet’s “cyclical” nature.)

There is a limit to the amount of information that the Internet contains, yet there is not an infinite amount of use to be achieved and ways to navigate this data.There is so much information stored in one location that the average person could never understand every detail, however, the beauty and intelligence of this imperfect system is that it is organized for each person individually. The Garden of Forking Paths shows that the use of links creates an ever-changing map of the Internet that varies person to person and purpose to purpose. The average person can find the information that they are looking for simply by using a search engine such as Google or Bing. Meanwhile the astrophysicist may also locate information that he needs in this complex, yet simplified collection of ourselves, our works, and our dreams.


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