The Meaning Of Life

Jorge Borges’s short story “The Library Of Babel” is an epic tale that in my opinion explains the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of our world and its inhabitants. I also believe encoded in this library is all the questions anyone could wonder but being able to decipher it is the moral. We cannot know what our future holds; some questions are not meant to be answered but still we as humans chance after these hopeless possibilities. We are always searching for someone or something to help us understand our book. In this case it is the “man of the book”. The never ending search of the man to tell us what everything means. In a way information is boundless and circular in the sense that one question leads to another and another. There is no one ultimate question and no one perfect response.

With twitter and facebook we are given the opportunity to learn from others and achieve some of the question we might be asking. as Jorge says man is an imperfect librarian. Even though the internet provides us with almost unlimited resources and information one can never fully grasp every concept of life. We are blessed to be living in a time where all our books are easily accessible with a click of a mouse.

The human race will always be searching for more information. The internet and social media is a stepping stone to something great in the future. How we categorize our information like a librarian can change our outlook on why we are here what what we must do. So why need a “man of the book” when we have each other.

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