copy right

I found this video very interesting.  The documentary addresses the strict copy right laws that exist today.  They use the term “remix” to address that you can edit videos to form a type of mix to incorporate videos.  ”open source cinema” stating that the film can be “mixed or remixed.”  People had mixed opinions on their beliefs about copy rights. One person believed copy right laws on music actually weren’t strong enough.  Which I also have mixed beliefs about.  It is so easy to download songs from the internet illegally.  when Napster first came out, Mettalica was a band that a major issue with illegal downloads or their music.  John Philip Sousa believes copy right laws aren’t strong enough.  And refereed music to the artist intellectual property.  Copy right laws are important and must always exist.  People should always be aware on using other peoples music, videos, words, and creations, and if they are even allowed to use them.  If your caught stealing ones music, you can receive a maximum criminal penalty is 5 years in prison and $250000 per violation.

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