Technology and Internet Remix #engl303



Technology is something that has evolved so much in the past decade. Data miners have the ablity to find out things about me that I don’t even know I’m putting out there. “While you and your friends might keep information guarded and secret, data miners only need to know information about 1% of uses to infer information about the remaining 99%.”-Parry, “Ubiquitous Surveillance.” One aspect of technology that is very relevant is the way communication has become a major factor. For example When it comes down to it, Internet is just so big. Anybody can have access to the internet. With the rising technology we can access the internet through so many devices. According Blown to bits, chapter 7, a mother of an 11 year old sued AOL for using chatrooms to sell pornographic pictures of her son. Communication and information that is being sent through the internet is the epitome of too much exposure. The less I knew that I was being monitored, the more information I was giving away. All along I thought I was controlling what I put out there, when really I wasn’t controlling it at all.The less I knew that I was being monitored, the more information I was giving away.

Red Font:Madison Wolfe

Black Font: Rich Simon

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