Blog Remix

    The Internet allows us to decipher our own universe. We can form ideas and opinions that we might not have stumbled upon otherwise. “We need to use the human brain more efficiently” in Chapter 3 from The Economics of Attention. The way that information is presented to us makes a big difference in how we perceive that information and then learn it. If one were to put forth the effort they too can uncover the secrets of the universe just like Aristotle, and he/she can share their ideas, a great deal easier as well. We are all one, so I think we need to stop being power hungry. We should be enhancing our culture and the opportunities that are available. But the Internet has given us access to uncover our own ideas and help create our own identities.

    The amount of music (and poetry and art) we have access to expands our culture and minds.The Internet is great, it allows us to communicate with people from all over the world, educate people from different backgrounds, and inform anyone (with Internet access) about news and ideas. In a world where answers are needed instantly and where people do not have the time or patience to wait, twitter is perfect. It connects friends afar, allows fans to delve into celebrity lives, promotes a business or charity, and much more. It is crucial to examine the purpose behind social media such as twitter. What is the purpose of it and how exactly is it being used? We create an online persona replete with the articles we post, the celebrities we follow, and the jokes we tell; all of which are now open for the world to see. It can be an excellent tool for communication. Twitter is something that has evolved within our culture and a phenomenon that has swept the world and given us a new appreciation for technology. There is amazing potential in the way our generation is able to connect on a global level with many people and different kids of people. (Old, young, American, Middle Eastern, republican, democrat.) I can log onto my Facebook and connect with my friends from Tanzania, and we can swap stories and ideas. I’ve witnessed the illuminated streets of Tokyo, Japan and my father’s journeys around the world, through just a touch of a button on face time.

   The legal issue of intellectual property and its limitations is something that is explored in RIP: A Remix Manifesto video. It is evident that creating laws to give credit and legal rights to someone’s idea is difficult. Congress has tried to come up with numerous laws to monitor the Internet but people always find loopholes. Our legal system is enabling our society to move forward with new creations. Our society just wants to make laws and rules for everything and it is setting us back. By understanding the “ins and outs,” is the only way we can actually place regulations on it.

The internet is an absolute amount of space where we believe holds much of anything we need to know or find. If we ever need an answer to a question, have a wondering, or simply just need entertainment; it is a melting pot for all of this information.

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