You Probably Read it on Reddit

Since this is a bonus blog I’ve decided to look into the social networking aspects of the popular website If you have never been to Reddit, Reddit can be compared to websites such as where it is described as a social  news website.  Only registered users are permitted to add content to Reddit which is then “up-voted” or “down-voted” based on what the Reddit community thinks.  I have never considered Reddit a social networking site until Christmas time came around.  The Reddit community proved to be closely knit when they created a Reddit secret santa where you would be paired with another Reddit user and you would receive there personal info to be able to send them a secret present.  Now at first glance that seems kind of risky; trusting random people you have never met with your address,  but Reddit has a certain type of friendly atmosphere that makes people feel welcome.  This extensive forum-based website allows for the creation of relationships just like a Facebook and Twitter account would.  There are an extensive amount of “sub-reddits” that allow people from different cultural  backgrounds to connect over common hobbies or interests.  I strongly advise you to get an account to learn more about whatever topic you can pretty much imagine.  Only downside for me is that it is a great way to not getting homework done.  

About Andrew

Senior at WVU - Political Science Major
Written by: Andrew

Categorized: Uncategorized

One comment on “You Probably Read it on Reddit

  1. Thank you so much for blogging about this! I’ve just gotten into Reddit and I’m hooked. Although, it now saddens me that whatever I see on the site appears on Yahoo news or Facebook 2-3 days later.