The Digital Age #engl303

After reading Chapter 3 of Program or Be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff, it just confirms what I always talk about when it comes to technology. He shows us the different ways people can go about editing, recording etc. What I took from this reading is that all the technology and features that there is we definitely have a choice on what we are using. We use something its are way of expressing something discrete. Rushkoff calls it the digital realm. When it comes to CDs, how does material get onto this CD? There are several things that go into that. There are formats, speed rate, data, sound etc. The digital age is on the rise. As we go into Chapter 4, it talks about the same thing. Rushkoff talks about how people are in a hurry to make a choice on what we use. We have computers that do so much. How we are able to do anything with a computer. I mean, when look at movies and cartoons, that is ALL done with computers. We’re able to read text in different ways. Texts and how they are able to mean diffferent things just by the way its shown. Technology is on its way out the roof. Douglas rushkoff emphasized the fact that digital technology is growing. Program or Be Programmed is self explanatory.

Written by: Masterrich79

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