Video Games are Not Art

After reading the readings for this week I completly agree when Ebert said that video games are not art. They are a form of entertainment. That would be like saying tv shows or movies are forms of art. I do not think they are, they are forms of entertainment. I find it funny that people think video games that consist of people shooting each other up, and games that involve football plays. To me art is art, and video games are not art. Art involves paintings, scupltures, and stuff like that. Yes, Ebert took a little bit of an arrogant tone when he was talking about video games and how they are not art. But, I have to agree with him. Forms of entertainment are not art. Maybe I am a little bias because I hate video games that make it okay to shoot up people, and make a game about it. I mean they are fine to play for maybe an hour or two a day, but when I picture video games I picture a bunch of nerdy kids in a basement that have not bathed in days, and have not left the couch they are perched on. I find that sometimes people have a hard time seperating the real world from the gaming world. However, with works of art you can clearly be seperate the abstract from reality. I feel works of art are beautiful peieces of expression and video games are simply games used to entertain people.

Written by: sdavis47

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