Video games, online games etc is one of the best things known to man. I mean being able to be in another world by your controls is crazy. When you think about how the video game world have grown from what it was. It just continued to expand. Aside from that, theres one thing that Jane McGonigal said that I can definitely relate to. She mentioned how video games give you a chance to get to another level without giving up. You can keep doing it over and over again. She also mentioned how in reality people feel anxious, stressed, depressed etc. But in video games you get a chance to forget about everything and be yourself. Games are able to challenge you, just like real life. Ive played plenty of online games especially racing games. I was always into that. But additionally, one action game that is my favorite of all time is the Metal Gear Solid series. Which was on the play station. Metal Gear Solid is about an infiltrator. Sneaking into buildings get by guards and taking out opponents. The graphics in these games are crazy. In the game theres missions snake has to complete to get to another location and having a commander telling him what to do. Video games and online games just take you away from everything. Just sends your mind in another zone. Thats the best part about it. Definitely couldn’t imagine my life without it. Jane McGonigal making her own video games is wild too. Making a video game has to be a crazy experience. McGonigal’s second online was kind of interesting too. Saying that humans have 23 years to go. wild!

And about Quest andLearn. After reading about what Katie Salen did, I found it really interesting. Opening up a school of learning and playing and designing video games in school in NYC. She opened up in a great city. Lot of people. This school was able to give students a chance to create something that possible no one has done before. Giving students a time to explore and be creative. People can design there own thing. you never know what you can do.


Written by: Masterrich79

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