Digital Reading=Headaches

This collection of readings we had to read this week were all about digital textbooks, and the revolution of text. One author focused on how Apple plans to “transform” the text book industry. Good luck with that Apple. I just do not see a world where there are not solid text books avialable for purchase, or a world where people would not want to buy them. One main problem is, how would you re-sell the text book if it were in digital form? I read Kristin Peters post and saw that she offered that some people would not mind that because they would like to keep the information. That is true, but for me, I would only keep text that interest me. What would I have done with my spanish textbook if I were not able to re-sell it? I stink at Spanish and have no use for it. Even though I would not get a lot back for it, to me, its gas money to get home when I need too. I would only keep things having to do with media, or journalism, because those are the topics that interest me. Doesn’t the bookstore screw us over enough already? We would get ZERO money back if the books were in digital form, at least in hard copy form, we get something back.

Personally, I hate digital forms of any texts, let alone text books. If I stare at the computer screen for two long I get a headache. I feel as though I am still the only person in the world without a digital reader. I like hard copies of things. With text books, I like high lighting the important information, I know you can do it with online texts, but I feel it is more troublesome. I do not get a headache from reading hard copy materials, But i most certainly do if I read the computer screen for too long. Personally, I like texts books the way they are now, and do not want them to change into digital form any time soon.

Written by: sdavis47

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