E-Readers: the threat to the college textbook cartel

Anyone who as ever bought a college book knows that they are excessively overpriced. When you have to play 90 dollars for a 300 page paper back there is definitely something wrong. The college textbook cartel-as i like to call it- has been stealing money from students wallets for many years, for example, I spent over 500 dollars on books this semester on books that teachers say I “need”, then at the end of the semester I will get maybe 30 dollars back from those 500 I spent. Its a crime that we have to spend that much.

Thanks to the Internet, that all changes. Students can now buy books online for much lower prices and sell them for more than the cartel will give them. Also students can buy e-readers so that it is even cheaper to get their textbooks. The online book industry is putting the cartel out of business and its about time. In fact the e-readers are better than paper books in every way. Theyre more convenient, interactive, and so much better for the environment than paper books and I don’t see why we should buy paper backs ever again. In Eisenberg’s article, making science leap from the page, he describes how a college biology textbook was made more interactive by being put on the internet. It was much better for the students to learn from and it was a lot cheaper. Instead of paying 140 dollars for a biology book, students were paying 50 dollars.

E-readers are a godsend for college students when it comes to textbooks. Books are easier to get and they are so much cheaper than what the cartel offers us. E-books are like the Robin Hood for college students: they steal from the rich cartels and give it to us poor college students.

About ConnorBattin

Criminology Major from Morgantown. Taking English 303 to fulfill an English minor.
Written by: ConnorBattin

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