Textbooks on E-books…Priceless

I gotta say, putting textbooks on to iPads, Kindles, or any type of table is a pretty good idea.  Text has been evolving  since the alphabet was written.  Like Carmody was saying in his article 10 Reading Revolutions Before E-Books.  Texts have become easier and easier to read and to obtain after each reading revolution.  Carmody says in his article, “a shift from intensive reading and re-reading of very few texts to extensive reading of many.”  Basically, we all now read more in depth because we have so many texts available for us.  E-books are another stepping stone in the way our texts have evolved in our reading revolutions.  Carmody also says, “print changed readers’ expectations of texts, especially their universality and fidelity, since everyone everywhere was (in theory) reading an exact copy of an identical text,” in regards to how print has been an instrumental tool that has changed the way we read and our expectations of texts.  In Eisenberg’s article, Making Science Leap From the Page, she talks about textbooks that are now online or found on any browser on any device where people who access the website can do a number of things with the online textbook version than they could with the actual heavy, paper-based book.  Eisenberg states in her article, “Students will pay not for a printed edition at a bookstore, but for permanent access on the Internet,” because reading has evolved again.  Texts are cheaper and more interactive online or on e-book devices.  I know that I learn more in my Spanish classes because we have the textbook but have an online portion where we are given assignments, interactive activities with other classmates, videos, etc. that help immerse us in the language and that actually helps me learn the language much faster.  Like Carmody says, “Print was off to the races, and dozens of other inventions helped make generating texts cheaper and faster.”  But not only are texts cheaper, they are better.  And now that they are on e-books, it will make using online textbooks much more accessible and will help students learn faster and more effectively.  I know they worked for me.

Written by: Andrew Strittmater

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