The Digital Text

Digital books or E-books are a great way to organize all your books on one device and not have loads and loads of paper all through out the house. Paper books are in my opinion so much more visually and physically more appeasing than E-books. to actually feel the paper run through your hand as you turn the page. I think paper books are also important because they are longer lasting than digital copy of a book. A paper book can be preserved and appreciated while a digital copy is deleted and changed out with a different book.

E-books are a great idea even though I feel it has major flaws. Having to charge up your e-reader before you can read anything is very annoying. E-readers can really piss me off for example after I am getting to a good part in a book and it shuts off on me and I have to spend an hour charging it. The Digital books offer less physical space needed to store and many options by the click of a finger.

Overall, I feel that the E-reader will never take over the physical paper book. There are to many flaws with an E-reader and not enough benefits to counter balance the flaws. Of course this is just my opinion some people really enjoy the digital reading and that is their choice. In the meantime I feel papered books are here to stay for a while. Maybe in the future everything from work to assignments will be digital.

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