140 characteristics

Like many, including the two authors of the articles we red, Peggy Orenstien and Steve Johnson I didn’t quite understand why anyone would need a twitter. It’s just simply status updates on facebook, or so I thought. I made a twitter account a few years ago to check it out and when I did, I thought it was all about knowing what Ashton Kutcher had for breakfast, much like Steve Johnson. I didn’t touch my twitter account for a few years. About a year ago I noticed people started getting a twitter account. I study abroad for 4 months were I didn’t have constant access to internet and therefore social networking. When I returned to my technologically-driven lifestyle twitter had gained popularity in my circle of friends. So me being the follower I am, I folded and started using my old twitter account. From my observations it seems that most people follow a similar curve. They get the account they tweet a little and after some time with twitter they can’t stop themselves from tweeting at least once an hour.

It’s no secret that Twitter and other social networking sites are highly controversial. It seems that there are two sides to the increasing technologies and interests in online networking. There are people who believe that the ever increasing ways we are able use technologies where ever and whenever are keeping us disconnected from the world. Much like what Peggy Orenstien describes in the beginning of her article “I Tweet, Therefore I am.” Orenstien explains a prefect morning with her daughter and previous to her twitter account she would have been fully present and enjoying the moment. However, she has twitter account and instead of living in the moment and clearing her mind she recognizes “the perfect opportunity for a tweet.” On the other side there are people who believe our youth is more connected to the global world. We can share opinions and ideas which are able to transform other’s opinions and ideas. We can collaborate and learn hundreds of new things a day (if we wanted to and if that’s possible for anyone.) The web gives people a platform to influence others.

My opinions, which admittedly, are dynamic and always changing probably lie somewhere between these two extremes. I do agree that because of technologies many people are unaware of their surroundings. With headphones in listening to music while tweeting about how you are on your way to class, there is less time for the experience of having a conversation with someone knew, and hearing and seeing your surroundings. However, there is amazing potential for the way our generation is able to connect on a global level with many people and different kids of people. (Old, young, American, Middle Eastern, republican, democrat.) Like Johnson explains, at an exclusive conference 15-20 years ago, people would have been able to get the minutes of that conference after a few weeks now people are able to tweet to the members at the conference and stimulate further discussion.

Johnson and Orenstien both bring up the concept of 140 characteristics. How can twitter, which only allows us to post 140 characteristics, change the world? Johnson addresses this issue thoroughly, while yes 140 characteristics is often not enough addresses issues and opinions we are able to #hashtag and post links which supports whatever we want to put out in the world. Ultimately, we can choose who we want to follow, so we can manipulate the information we are receiving. Instead of opening up a newspaper or turning on CNN which strategically feeds us specific information, we can now get opinions and news from all over the world, which we choose.

I have to admit, I have been using my twitter for pure entertainment with my friends. I find that between my circle of friends we like to test out our comedic skills (no one I know has any aspirations to be a comedian, but it’s still nice to make people laugh.) However, this assignment, reading these articles about twitter, has inspired me to use twitter for the greater good. Well ok, maybe my twitter won’t change the world but I can start following people who will stimulate thought, feed me good articles and improve my twitter persona. (But I won’t stop putting up my bad jokes on twitter.)

Technologies allow more voices to be heard than ever before, with 140 characteristics, we have the chance to be comedians, authors, producers, philosophers and critics.

Written by: Kelsey

Categorized: Uncategorized

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