Thoughts on the multimedia class #engl303

I didn’t know what my expectations were before and what it is now. Prior to the start of class, I didn’t really know what to expect in a MUltimedia class. I mean I guess I knew it was going to definitely have something to do with computers. So I thought that would be interesting. Now that I have been in the class the whole semester, I did learn a lot. Sometimes it was kind of hard for me to get into some of the things we were learning just because I don’t think about some of those things on a daily basis. When it comes to computers, technology and all that, I don’t think about all the real TECH stuff that comes with it. As long as it works and I can do my hw on it, thats all that matters. Also, there were only a few of the readings that I caught interest in. I don’t know if it was because they were too long or the content. However, the ones that I did like were interesting, especially the ones where they spoke about social media and networks. I did enjoy doing the project on the internet and Twitter. I liked talking about how big the social world is. It is crazy that anybody can put ANYTHING on the internet. Once its on there, its there. You can try to take it out but once its out there, its out there. Lastly, I liked some of those class discussions we had. The whole class would have an opinion and thats good. Its good when everyone speaks their mind. So I definitely liked that part of this Multimedia class.

Written by: Masterrich79

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