Multimedia Writing!!!

We have done a lot in Multimedia Writing this semester.  There are a plethora of things I can take away from this class that I can use in other classes or in my life in general.  The use of Twitter in the classroom has been an amazing tool that I wish other professors would provide because it made communication so much easier than email.  There were a number of times where I had questions about class or needed help and I would tweet about it. Professor Jones would respond to my tweets asking me what I am having trouble with or what questions I have and ask him if I needed anything.  This way of communication was much faster and more effective because I received an answer so quickly.

Another part of class that I really enjoyed was the part about the Multimedia Project.  I have never done a project this way before.  I’ve always written papers, done power points, and I’ve even worked in groups to make power points and papers but, to create a project that wasn’t something written was a challenge I’ve never been given before.   Granted, the outcome of my project isn’t as good as it could be thus far, but I am still proud of the work my partner and I have done.  It’s a different project with different approaches and different results.  This project, more importantly, this class has made me think in a way that most classes don’t have me think.  I’m able to use the tools of today to create something that, well, looks like or sounds like it belongs with something created in todays society.  Papers are good an all but they are out of date.  Multimedia writing is the future and I’m glad I got to take the class to be apart of it.

Written by: Andrew Strittmater

Categorized: Uncategorized

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