ENG303 Review

This semester, english 303 has taught me a lot about using different types of media and theories that come with this new technology. This was class didn’t come as easy as most of my other classes because I have not focused the majority of my studies on English courses. After surviving English 102 I did not consider taking anymore English courses my college career, until a friend of mine recommend that I take this course as an elective. I feel that some of the material learned throughout this course will be beneficial to me in the real world, but other parts might be harder to incorporate. I was not very good at some of the theory aspects of this course, such as, the infinite library piece and the evolution of writing. I did enjoy the majority of the discussion topics throughout the semester and learned a lot in the multimedia department. As long as I am able to achieve a passing grade and obtain these three credits I will be satisfied. I love having new knowledge about editing multimedia and using twitter, and I believe in the future I could use these skills to better myself in the professional world.

About Andrew

Senior at WVU - Political Science Major
Written by: Andrew

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