How Twitter will (& has already) changed things

While reading Steven Johnson’s article “How Twitter Will Change the Way we Live”, I was forced to think about my own feelings about Twitter. I admit that when it first came out, I was skeptical as to why our society needed another social network where the only thing that mattered was someone’s status. Now, however, I see a new meaning to Twitter; I see why it is so celebrated, thanks to Johnson’s article.

I had never given Twitter much of a chance before this semester. I had an account, but absolutely never checked it until I was told that I’d be required to for this class. I just never really found the beauty in it; until now. My new outlook on Twitter is much more positive and I can see why people use it everyday, all day. Twitter is more than just a social network, it’s a rapid feed of news that is easily accessible and presented right in front of you. You can see what people are doing day to day without ever having to actually talk to them. REVOLUTIONARY! I can sit here in Morgantown and see what someone is doing half way around the world without ever having to call them up. Twitter is also something that time does not mess with. I can look at my Twitter feed any time of the day or night, get the information I want, and never have to wake anyone up or disturb them.

Twitter, in my opinion, has changed the way we go about our daily lives. It’s allowed us to be consumers of information, but on our own terms. I think that Twitter really has yet to hit its peak because I think that so many more people have yet to join and find out just how revolutionary it actually is.

Written by: melissawilkins1

Categorized: Uncategorized

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