The Twitter

Twitter used to be a very skeptical form of media for me.  I wasn’t too sure if it was for me.  I mean, I liked the concept of it but I never really knew if I would be one of those people who would tweet all day long about things.  So I decided to set up an account and tried it out about three years ago.  Turns out I didn’t really like it.  But recently I decided to give it another go because all my friends were using it and talked about how amazing it is with its capabilities of viewing articles, pictures, videos, etc. so easily with a very clever 140 character status to go along with it.  I absolutely loved it.  I can’t stop tweeting now.  And now the fact that my English 303 class requires us to tweet makes it even better.

The article Steven Johnson wrote about Twitter was absolutely dead on.  He nailed it perfectly.  Twitter is a fantastic media device.  What’s best about it is how fast you can scroll through the followers and stay connected with all of them.  It’s so easy to use.  What I believe is the most intriguing about Twitter is the fact that you can follow celebrities.  Everyone is always fascinated with pop culture.  I know that I dream of meeting a celebrity like Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Derrick Rose, or any celeb for that matter where just getting a “Hello” from them would make my happy for the rest of my life.  Twitter gives users the ability to somehow get some sort of glimpse into knowing a celebrity.  The fact that one may actually reply to one of your tweets or retweet something you said is equivalent to the hello you could one day receive from on, at least I feel this way.

But most of all, Twitter keeps you connected with the world.  It’s so easy to find things on Twitter because your friends or your friend of your friends may have a link or something that leads to find something you’re interested in or like.  Twitter has even affected some countries like China, so much that they tried to shut it down.  Steven Johnson said, “Last month an anticommunist uprising in Moldova was organized via Twitter. Twitter has become so widely used among political activists in China that the government recently blocked access to it, in an attempt to censor discussion of the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre” because Twitter had such a profound affect on its citizens.  Twitter even has its on part on ESPN where the anchors report tweets players say about new happening in the sports world.  Twitter has affected the world tremendously.  It continues to evolve and become more popular because of how easy it is to use and keep in touch with people.  I love The Twitter!

Written by: Andrew Strittmater

Categorized: Uncategorized

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