Twitter: the most addicting internet tool to date.

When Twitter first came out, I thought it was a completely useless internet tool. In my opinion at the time, twitter was for people with over sized egos who want the whole world to know what they were doing. I avoided twitter as long as I could until I figured out how it could be used for sports.

I am an avid sports fan, and when I got a twitter account, my sports fan experience has gotten so much better. I decided to follow my favorite sports writers at first. On twitter, they post their opinions during every major sporting event on TV which makes it seem like I am watching the game with them. Some sportswriters even watch the same TV shows as I do. Also, when a hot story broke out, it was posted on twitter before any other medium. This made me feel on top of all the sports media.

Another great thing twitter does for sports is that millions of other people are usually watching the same game you are watching, and twitter makes it seem like you are all watching the game in the same room. Everyone posts comments for the same game and some of them are quite humorous. It’s great to hear others opinions and twitter makes that possible.

Although my twitter experience is sports related, the tool is great for everyone. Twitter allows people to connect with celebrities and post their opinions for the world to see. It is also changing the way we live.

Because of twitter, people can now access information much more quickly since celebrities and news outlets post things on twitter before their own websites.  It is a double edged sword, though, because since twitter is public, it is very easy to post a comment that you may regret.

I can see why people try to avoid twitter (I did it myself) because the concept of the website can seem a bit superfluous but once you try twitter, you will be hooked just as I have.

About ConnorBattin

Criminology Major from Morgantown. Taking English 303 to fulfill an English minor.
Written by: ConnorBattin

Categorized: Uncategorized

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