To Tweet, or Not To Tweet: That is the Question.

Thanks to Engl. 303, the question has been answered. Although I did tweet prior to this course, the usefulness of Twitter has been fully exacerbated by the functionality of connecting to both classmates and professors. As many of my peers have stated, I had already learned that twitter was an entirely new form of Social Media. Whereas Facebook had once captivated the world of Internet users, it’s obvious that Twitter is slowly doing the same.

Twitter is redefining Social Media by connecting classmates to professors and each other, celebrities to fans in more direct and personal way, and distributing news and updates quickly in 140 characters or less. By utilizing Twitter for classroom purposes in a day and age when smart phones rule our lives, it’s almost as convenient as text messaging. Instantaneously, you can ask thirty of your peers their opinion on an assignment or question a professor about course requirements. Thus, Twitter effectively makes the maximum use of the technology available to us.

Many professors across the University could learn a lesson or two from this. Although, let’s face it; not all faculty is as connected to technology as we might hope, so it may be up to students to take the initiative. If students would connect via Twitter for each course in which he or she was enrolled, the usefulness of Social Media could easily be exemplified as the abundant resource which it is.

I can tell already that much can be learned from the opportunity to utilize multiple forms of social media within this class and look forward to the technology which will surely continue to consume my life.

About Elise

I'm a Junior at WVU. I'm going for two degrees at once: Multidisciplinary Studies (minors in Political Science, Sociology, and Leadership Studies) and English. I'll probably go to Grad School for English. I work as a Copy Editor for The Daily Athenaeum. I'm open, I'm liberal, and I'm easy to talk to. I believe in love, in hard work, and in change, but I'm firmly grounded in my beliefs. I don't judge; nobody is perfect and I'm far from it. I'm a small-town girl with a big-city heart, and you'll never know me completely.

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