Twitter or Not to Twitter

Before signing up for this class, I had had no intention of making a Twitter ever, and I was practically vehement against getting one. I had had this conversation with one of my roommates and our friend about them, and it was my roommate who then made one and told me I would make one soon after, just like had happened with Facebook when we were in highschool. I didn’t see what the big deal about Twitter was, and to be honest, I still don’t see what the big deal is. To me it’s just a lot of status updates, and I can get that from obsessive Facebookers like some of my friends are. Something that was said in the article by Steve Johnson was that people would be interested in what you had for breakfast, I would have to disagree. I don’t feel the desire to know what my peers are having for breakfast, or lunch and dinner for that matter, and if there has been something in your life that has happened to you and you truly want me to know about it, you would tell me in some form other then a social media platform where the rest of your followers and friends would see it. While I can fully understand the drive behind Twitter, with many people being converts from Facebook, I feel that it is a fad that will eventually fade away like some other media sites, such as MySpace. That was my first website I made, and within a year it was old news and I had moved on from it. Thats just what I see happening with Twitter as well, be it in a year or five or ten years. There will be a new site that is created that people believe is superior and then they will all flock to that, as has happened in the past decade or so.

Written by: JohnCasey

Categorized: Uncategorized

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