Synopsis Of Your Twitter Blogs

‘The one constant throughout everyone’s posts is that Twitter brings mixed feelings. There were no posts that were strictly for or against Twitter, rather a compilation of thoughts. Here are some quotes from your blogs that encompass the most talked about topics:


“Twitter is a tool. It is neutral, neither positive nor negative by nature, but rather dependent upon our attitudes, approaches, and actions.”- Kristen Peters


“I had no intentions of becoming an avid tweeter, but rather feel like I was an NFL insider.”- Sean Whitney


“Twitter is a great way for people to build their own brand.”- Lauren


“The feeling that the way something is perceived by others is more important than the experience of perceiving it yourself.”- Ashley Reynolds


“The lines between public and personal are blurred… (however, it’s) the writer’s choice what he, or she, makes public.” -Tiffany Zerby


“A lot of tweets and status updates seem not only pointless or mundane, but exclusively and inexcusably self-centered.”- Kristen Peters


As you can see, some points are positive, some are negative, and some are neutral; all of them are valid. We could not include every single thought that all of you had, but these seem to be the main topics on everyone’s mind. If you think that we missed something important that you wanted to say, please let us know.

About hkunz

I'm a senior Advertising Major, Creative Writing Minor. Originally from Philadelphia, I hope to move down south after graduation to work as a Copywriter at an Advertising Agency.

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