
My accumulation of “stuff” would baffle even Lanham. iPod, computer, NOOK and cell phone all surround me at the very moment I am typing this. The rationale behind every one of them was that this purchase would reduce my ever increasing accumulation of “stuff.” Less books to purchase with my NOOK, yet 3 more are on their way from Amazon; I only need one cell phone, but I’ve bought 5 Blackberries within the past two years; my computer would be the end all to all problems, and yet it is useless without my printer, zip drive, USB, parade of headphones and multiple chargers that continue to be chewed up by my dog… I have a little bad luck with technology.

And through all of these outlets, the floodgate of information is opened. Lanham states that we are drowning in it and I see no cause to the contrary. Within the past 10 minutes, Barack Obama has emailed me about birth control costs being abolished, EMILY’s List has issued a statement on the stepping down of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and Twitter has informed me of my 2 new followers. There is no off switch to my world.

But is that really a bad thing? I live my day-to-day on my phone and computer, I’ll admit, reading from The Washington Post, CNN, The Huffington Post, etc. Never have I been to the Congo, but through a virtual pathway I am led into the lives of those who suffer everyday. http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/28/opinion/wright-congo/index.html?iref=allsearch  Never have I walked among sea lions in the Galapagos, or witnessed the Chicago skyline at night, but I can appreciate them through photographs. http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/02/travel/best-travel-snapshots-2011/index.html?hpt=tr_mid

This “stuff” that has led to the overflow of information has created an outlet for me to become more engaged in humanitarian efforts; see beyond my backyard in Morgantown, WV; and remain informed at all times.

Lanham, R. (2006). Economics of attention. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

Written by: cannonnm

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