Oh hey Big Brother, I didn’t see you there

“While you and your friends might keep information guarded and secret, data miners only need to know information about 1% of uses to infer information about the remaining 99%.”-Parry, “Ubiquitous Surveillance.”  Frankly, this scares the crap out of me.  On some small level I knew that I was being monitored so I watched what I posted on Facebook and Twitter, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I was being monitored like I obviously am.

My first thought was “wait a minute, what I do and say and search for on my own private computer is none of their business!” At first I wasn’t worried about what I had done or said or searched for on the Internet because I constantly censor myself (so maybe i’m a little paranoid), then it hit me, data miners have the ability to find out things about me that I don’t even know i’m putting out there. That was the most unnerving thought. All along I thought I was controlling what I put out there, when really I wasn’t controlling it at all. The less I knew that I was being monitored, the more information I was giving away. So now every time I post, do, or search for something on the web, in the back of my mind i’ll know big brother is watching.


Written by: Madison Wolfe

Categorized: Uncategorized

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